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  Noticia publicada a les 13:20 del 01/02/2007

Jornades APAC 2007

Aquest any les jornades que anualment prepara l'APAC (Associació de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya) s'han fet entre el 22 i 24 de febrer.

Edicions l'Àlber hi ha estat present amb tota la col·lecció d'Anglès Fancy That! exposada.

El dia 23 dos dels autors dels llibres (l'Andreu Cardo i la Núria Medina) van fer una xerrada: Writing Recipes; recipes to cook good writing. Podeu descarregar el dossier lliurat als assistents des d'aquesta mateixa pàgina. La cançó la podreu descarregar des del llibre Fancy That 6 (pista 8 - wolf).

It would not be true to say that writing is to sit down in front of a blank piece of paper and start writing through to the end. The process of writing is a complex creative act that requires a certain amount of effort and time on the student’s part. Finding methods, strategies and activities that encourage and motivate our students to write is quite often a challenge for the Teacher. How often have we struggled to find activities to encourage our students to write? We will be presenting recipes to help English Teachers to find and combine some of the essential ingredients to create menus that promote creative writing. A healthy and varied writing diet to tickle the taste buds of our students.

Andreu Cardo
Diploma in Foreign Language Teaching. He has been a Primary English teacher at CEIP El Roure Gros from Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer since 1997. He is currently teaching courses for the ICE at the Universitat de Barcelona. He is one of the authors of Fancy that! 1 and 2 published by Edicions l’Àlber.

Núria Medina
Degree in English Philology. She has taught English at Primary education and Secondary education. She is currently a lecturer and teacher trainer at the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de Vic. She is one of the authors of the Easy English Dictionary with a Catalan-English Vocabulary published by EUMO and Fancy That! 3, 4, 5, 6 as well as Fancy That! Games published by Edicions l’Àlber.

Dossier de la xerrada Writing Recipes...

Catàleg de productes
Educació Infantil  
Educació Primària  
Educació Secundària  
Cursos per a adults  
Català per a no catalanoparlants  
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